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Newspaper Articles
Reserve Advocate
July 2, 1921
Reserve Items
Ranger Benton S. Rogers of Luna was a Reserve visitor this week.
A.T. Chavez and family have taken up their residence in the County Seat. Mr. Chavez being County Clerk of our new county.
Roy McClure is here from Las Cruces visiting with his sister, Mrs. T.C. Turk. He expects to spend his vacation in Reserve.
Land Commissioner T.C. Turk tried his first contest case in Reserve Thursday and Friday. The land in question was in the Luna vicinity and quite a number of the Luna people were over for the two days. Those whose names we have been able to secure were Miss Myrtle Reynolds, A.O. Reynolds, George Reynolds, Will Laney and J.S. Brown.
Saturday night, June 18th a large crowd enjoyed a big dance at the home of M.P. Birmingham, given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dean. Everyone had a most delightful time, delicious refreshments were served at twelve o'clock. The dance broke up at daylight and everyone went home, tired and sleepy, but oh, such a good time as they did have.
News From Datil
Mr. and Mrs. W.r. mnorley and daughter accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Prince Hilliard of Magdalena, came out to Datil Saturday. Mr. Morley and the Hilliards returned to Magdalena Monday. Mrs. Morley and daughter will take charge of the new hotel at Datil and will be assisted by Mrs. Lon Allen.
Walter Martin, of Trinchera Flat, was in Datil Monday on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baldwin and daughters are now living just above the Datil Ranger Station on one of Mr. Baldnwin's ranches. Assisted by Frank Anderson, Mr. Baldwin is building a neat log house - Datil is still growing.
George Boerstlu has been called to the Navy to report for duty in the near future. Mr. Boerstlu has been clerk of the Datil Mercantile Co. for the past eight months. His many friends regret his not being able to stay longer.
William Morley Warren, who is just home from Stanford University, where he just finished his freshman year in colege will act as clerk until such time as the management will be taken over by som epermanent head.
Young Warren is the eldest son of Mrs. Loraine M. Reynolds, and a nephew of w.r. Morley. "Billy" will be welcomed back by a host of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Sissel who have leased the Baldwin store and Hotel spent Monday in magdalena. Mr. Sissel hauls freight to Quemado along with his mail and is putting through a lot of goods in this way.
Mrs. Sissel gave a birthday dinner to George Boerstlu recently.
Mrs. Laura Culver, of Berkley, California, the teacher at Datil school this past year, is at present attending the institute at Socorro. she writes that the weather is pretty warm in Socorro after the wonderful Datil climate.
Tourists are many, roads are good.
We need rain, that all just now.
Saturday, December 23, 1922
Mrs. E.D. McIntosh and daughter Ernestine have returned from a visit of a month in Las Cruses and El Paso.
Mrs. Harry Booth entertained with a delightful dinner last Saturday evening. Her table was beautifully decorated with holly, junper berries and red candles. her guests were Dr. and Mrs. E.M. Parham, Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Kidder, Mrs. W.F. James, Miss Calesta James, and Mr. E.D. McIntosh.
Preparations are being made to move the Post Office from its present location in J.P. Holland's Store to another building which is being remodeled for the purpose. H.L. Kelly, Postmaster, thinks the building will be ready for the occupation about the first of the year. He will also move the telephone office, of which he is manager, and the Mogollon Lumber company office, of which he is owner, to the same building.
Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Sampson, and daughters Marjorie and Virginia, and Miss Ola Rhea were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. E.M. Parham for dinner Thursday night.
Mr. Richard Bosustow has returned from an extended stay in Long Beach and Bakersfield, California.
Mr. Richard Lipsey has recently purchased a new model Buick touring car.
During the month of November the Oaks Company had treated in the Mogollon Mines Company mill 190 tons of ore carrying a total gross of $3,185.00 in gold and silver, or an average of $16.75 per ton.
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Coates Jr., and baby daughter Mary left Thursday for Philadelphia which was Mrs. Coates home before her marriage. They will probably make their home there.
Times seem to be getting better in this part of the country since the big road gang is really here and throwing dirt. They are camped at present at Buckhorn in Grant County and are to work both ways to the lines so we understand and we hear that the Forest Service is to begin work at the line in a short time and work the road to the other side of the county by way of the county seat. This is surely good news to the people of this vicinity. Quite a few of our young men and older ones are expecting to enlist with the road workers about the first of the year or as soon as they get lined up and ready for additional help.
Clive Higging has just returned from El Paso where he has been for the past week being treated for rheumatism. He is reported to be very much improved in health.
There was a Mexican killed in Mogollon recently but we have been unable to learn his name. He was shot by the officer while resisting arrest for "shooting up" the town.
Geo. York and family were very pleasant callers at the home of Ed Hudson one evening this week.
Jasper Ratliff, of Reserve, passed through the city on his way to Hurley to work for a while.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. York made a trip to Silver City the first part of last week to have the plaster paris cast removed from the arm of their five year old son who had been so unfortunate as to have his arm fractured a short time ago.
It is very dull here now. The road crew have gone down on the Alma road and all our town boys except two or three have gone along and tehre is very little excitement since they left.
Granny Martin is visiting her sons on the Blue this week.
Morris Bloom of Reserve is still making quite regular visits. There's something over around the Gruntersburgh school that attracts his attention.
Baily Hulsey and Uncle Abe are hauling grain from Alpine this week.
The freighters for Adair Merc Co. just came in. They had a pretty muddy trip and made very slow time.
Melvin Swapp and Floyd Brown just returned from helping move the road camp to Alma.
Vergil Bruce who has been visiting in Texas the past few months has returned home and is carrying the mail between Spur Lake and Luna.
Owen Reynolds left today to meet his sister, Hazel, who is coming home to spend the holidays.
Chas. R. Stewart and A.O. Reynolds are busy baling hay every minute that the weather will permit.
Saturday, December 30, 1922
John R. Milligan and W.C. Conner made a business tri to Magdalena last week.
Mss Mildred Shaver left Friday morning for Mountainair to spend the holidays.
Juan Carijo said he brought Mr. Milligan a beef but all seemed to think it was a kitten or some small animal.
What might have proved to be a sad accident occurred Sunday night when some unknown person fired a high power gun through the window of N. B. Sanchez Pool Hall and missed Ramon Trujillo's head by a small margin of a few inches.
We had a nice dance Christmas night which was enjoyed by all. J.R. Milligan and family enjoyed only a little of the dance because they were called home as their son Willie came in on the mail from Arizona.
Maltiques Aragon returned Friday from Socorro with his two sons who are attending school in Santa Fe. also his youngest daughter and niece who are attending school in Socorro. They will spend the holidays here.
there have been several cases of diptheria here and one or two children have died.
We understand that Amado Aragon and son arrived in Los Angeles all right and we hope to hear of a speedy recovery.
While resisting arrest, Pedro Almarez was shot and killed by deputy sheriff William Clark. Almarez had been drinking and shooting in the street, and the sheriff was called when he threatened a man's life. The body was taken to Silver City.
Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Heathman, former residents of Mogollon, have returned to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booth.
Mrs. D.Pabb, who has been receiving medical treatment in El Paso, returned to Mogollon for the holidays.
John Randall has entertained a number of townspeople with his radio set, which is very successful.
Fred Hollorman left for Silver City Tuesday morning taking Leonard Nichols and Miss Sallie Balke where the young couple are to be married. We hear that Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollorman are going on to Alamagordo where they will visit Mrs. Hollerman's parents during the holidays.
Miss Ruth Thurman, teacher of the children at Louis Jones', left Friday for Albuquerque and other points where she expects to visit during her two weeks vacation.
Mrs. Den Carrol, one of our teachers, left Thursday for Silver City, where she will spend her vacation with her husband.
The Christmas tree at Pleasanton was surely nice and the kiddies went away looking happy and were loaded with good fruit. The decorations were both beautiful and artistic and reflects great credit on Miss Ruth Gromo, the teacher and the pupils of this school. The parents and visitors were surely proud of the progress that was being made in this small rural district school and especially where there are so many handicaps.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nichols, the newly weds, returned Saturday from Silver City to Alma and on the night after their arrival the young people and some of the older ones of both Alma and Glenwood gave them a hearty welcome in the way of an old fashioned Charivari and the happy young couple treated them to cake and other refreshments and finally succeeded in getting rid of the crowd.
Miss Elsie Rowe is home for the Christmas holidays, from Silver city, where she is attending the State Normal.
Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Thomason had the misfortune to lose their fine Jersey cow last week, from eating frozen apples. She had gotten into the orchard and helped herself to too many of them.
Louis Jones, our enterprising young merchant, is having a large uspply of groceries and supplies laid in lest the roads should get bad and make it dfficult for the trucks to delier goods to our stores. He is also improving his residence and business property and will soon have one of the best places anywhere in this part of the country. Glenwood is the garden spot of the country both in climate and location.
Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Ford, of Mogollon, are visiting relatives in Glenwood and Alma this week and enjoying the vacation of school work for Mrs. ford, as she is one of the teachers in the Mogollon school this winter.
Cleve Hickson, of Mogollon, accompanied by his family are visiting relatives here this week.
The dance and Christmas tree at the Lodge were enjoyed by all. Sunday afternoon the tree was decorated and gifts put on for every child, including the Indians. Every family in and around Datil came and all the children. Mr. Frank Anderson made a fine Santa Clause, and the children were delighted with him.
The dance was the most enjoyable affair and everyone had a fine time. The Indians gave a dance but not as good as on Halloween night as they seemed to have some friction among themselves over the men not getting gifts at the tree, so they would not let the squaws or older Indians dance and share the collection taken. Jot Stiles was the life of the dance, and as he can talk Navajo quite as well as the Indians themselves he made the dance very jolly and interesting. Refreshment for the Indians were served them at eleven o'clock and then they left. At midnight the guests and dancing couples had refreshments of cake and coffee and danced until one thirty.
Ira Wyche and Bob Seitz have bought a car from Mr. F.D. Pullen and they came over in their new car.
Mrs. Fred Baldwin and Ruth came out Saturday for the vacation and will be home until after the first. Miss Ruth is one of the most popular and lovable girls in our district - or in any other - and she is so charming with elder people it’s a joy to meet her.
Mayor Ketner and Bob Flint remained over for the festivities, gong on to Pumpkin Center Tuesday. We did not see the Mayor dancing. Mr. Fint was on the floor however and had a very good time.
Mrs. J.C. Johns has been feeling quite under the weather for several days but is much better, we are glad to report.
We can't refrain from telling a joke on the management of the Lodge which did not take place but almost did. The hogs of Datil have from time to time been quite a source of annoyance and the Lodge hogs have a habit of getting out. Some of the neighbors have hogs that "look" like the Lodge hogs and recently hogs were again roaming around lose and being very troublesome. Christmas the management sent word that "courtesy" on their part kept them from delivering the hogs that were so troublesome to the door of a neighbor - and lo! and behold! said hogs belonged to the Lodge. Bring them up on New Years.
D.B. Baca called and wished us all a Merry Christmas on his way home from Santa Fe. The same to you Mr. Baca!
Mr. Romero brought out an extra load of parcel post Tuesday, so the Christmas congestion is about over now.
Mr. Hawkins of Augustine attended the dance Monday night. We were glad to meet our neighbor and wish to compliment him on naming the new town. It's most appropriate, and so much more in keeping with our state than naming it after himself. Spanish or Indian names seem to fit so perfectly with the country.