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Miscellaneous Catron County Records - Book 1
8. Sheep contract between Frank Bond of Española and Manuel B. Otero of Albuquerque. June 1920
9. Sheep contract between Frank Bond of Española and Manuel B. Otero of Albuquerque. November 1921 .
11. Memorandum of Understanding between Frank Bond of Española and Eduardo M. Otero of Los Lunas about sheep. November 1, 1921
12. Bill of Sale between Ciprianita G. Chavez, widow of Romauldo Chavez of Atarque, Valencia County, who bought 60 head of cattle from Telesforo Provencher for $1300 on a contract from November 1, 1918. "Said cattle are ranging in the northwestern part of Socorro County, now Catron County."
12. Lease from 1 October 1921 until 1 March 1923. Ira C. Bruce leased to Frank S. Brock his land for $100/year, and Brock will take care of Bruce's livestock.
13 - 20. Special Master's Certificate of Sale. Based on "an order of sale, judgment, and decree of foreclosure" of September 13, 1921 "to apply the proceeds of such sale towards the satisfaction of judgment $75,328.57 + $5,732.85 attorney fees." Plaintiff Anna E. McKay, defendant Alberta Development Corporation. On 16 December 1921 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the front door of the U.S. post office in Mogollon, was sold to Anna E. McKay for $64,018.74 the following mining claims in Cooney Mining District:
Ida May Lode, Independence, Anaconda, Comet, Union, Don't Care, New Chum, Crescent, Thursday, Wolftone, and Good Hope. Legal descriptions & title history are included for each claim. Notes on the Independence: James Kerr, Sr, died intestate March 11, 1903, leaving his widow Christiana or Christina Kerr and children, Margared Bradley, Susan F. Dillion, Florence Kerr, James R. Kerr, Myrtle Kerr Hoover, John Kerr, Henry T. Kerr, Horace Kerr, and Lena Kerr, the last four being minors.
21. Bill of Sale. E.P. Brogan of Reserve sold to Mrs. N. B. Smith of Reserve one Hamilton piano for $250 15 march 1922.
32. Bill of Sale between Abb Alexander of Reserve who sold to Shack Simmonds of Aragon for $1 "and other valuable consideration" some cattle November 29, 1921.
34. Bill of Sale between T. C. Hilliard, Administrator of the Estate of S.S. Hilliard, deceased, of Aragon, who sold to himself 20 head of horses & mares for $600 May 1, 1922.
34. Location Notice. Lone Star Lode Mining Claim - Discovered October 30, 1922. About one mile North of Bear Creek, 4 miles north of White Rocks. Felix, Edward, Arment, A.J., and Wm. Menges.
This asterisked note was typed below the Notice:
"*A claim must be located with reference to some natural object, such as a well-known or conspicuous hill, or peak, a prominent tree blazed and marked, or to a permanent monument such as a deep shaft on some neighboring mine, a house, a town or mining camp. One such reference will suffice, although the identification is of course more complete if the ties be to both a natural and a permanent monument.
"Under New Mexico laws this location notice must be posted on some conspicuous place on the location and within three months of such posting a copy of the same must be filed for record with the county recorder. Within 90 days from taking possession, the locator must sink 10 feet of shaft or drive 10 feet of tunnel or open a ditch or cut to a depth of 10 feet at face exposing mineral in place. There must be a substantial post or monument at each corner."
Filed January 27, 1922
35. Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army. Juan P. Mata, PFC, Quarter-master Corps in the U.S. Army. He was born in Frisco. When he was inducted May 25, 1918 at Socorro, he was 31 years 3 months old, a farmer, with brown eyes, black hair, dark complexion, and 5' 7 1/2". He is single, and of "excellent" character. He received a typhoid and paratyphoid prophylaxis on June 14, 1918. He was discharged from Camp Cody, Deming, New Mexico March 30, 1919, in good physical condition.
36. Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army. Victor T. Jiron, PFC 40th Amb. Corps. He was born in Frisco. When he enlisted March 5, 1918 in Socorro he was 21 years 11 months of age, a farmer with brown eyes, black hair, a dark complexion, and 5' 2". Battles, engagements, skirmishes, & expeditions: Gerardino Sector (Vosges) August 30 to October 12, 1918; Meuse Argonne Off November 2 - 11; AEF July 7, 1918 to June 19, 1919. Single, of "excellent" character. His physical condition is good.
36. Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army. Tiodolo Jiron, Pvt. Co. L, 47th Infantry attached to 1st Prav. Co. Born Frisco. Enlisted June 28, 1918 in Socorro at the age of 25 years 4 months, a laborer with brown eyes, dark hair, medium complexion, and 5' 8" tall. He was discharged from Fort Bliss, Texas 7 August 1919 in good physical condition. Battles, etc: A.E.F. from October 13, 1918 to July 27, 1919. Single, of excellent character. Liberty Button was issued to him.
37. Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army. Frank Kline, Pvt. Quartermaster Corps. Born in Hurley. Inducted May 25, 1918 in Socorro at age 25 years 5 months, a farmer with blue eyes, dark hair, light complexion, and 5' 8" tall. He was discharged from Camp Cody, New Mexico April 10, 1919 "by reason of dependency Circular #77" in good physical condition. Single, character "very good."
37. Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army. Juan Romero, Pvt 1st Class Inf (unassigned) Co B 20th Inf. Born Reserve. Enlisted August 4, 1917 at Magdalena at age 24 years 6 months, a farmer, black eyes, brown hair, dark complexion, 5' 9 1/2". He was discharged from Camp Bowie, Texas April 4, 1919 in good physical condition. Single - character - excellent.
38. Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army. Julian Jiron, Pvt. Co. A. Casual Camp. 97th Division, born Frisco. Enlisted August 26, 1918 in Socorro at age 22, a rancher with brown eyes, black hair, and dark complexion, 5' 7 1/2". Good physical condition, single, very good character.
38. Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Army. Juan J. Barreras, Private Co. A 19th Inf. Regular Army. Born Reserve. Enlisted May 29, 1918 in Socorro at age 24 years 11 months, farmer, with brown eyes, dark brown hair, and fair complexion, 5' 2". She served at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Physical condition good, single, excellent character.
39. Bill of Sale. Alf. E. Riggs sold to Clarence Burget for $15 one sorrel mare on June 12, 1922.
39. Bill of Sale. Clyde Walters, Leon Waters, and Owen Walters of Aragon sold to Ralph Whitney of Winnabago, Illinois for $10 "and other valuable consideration" furniture, piano, equipment, tools, harness, saddles, wagons, farm machinery at NH Ranch, 2 automobiles, 4 work mules, horses, mares, colts, 40 head of mixed stock hogs on June 26, 1922.
40. Bill of Sale. H.E. Barber sold to F.F. Doepp and E.A. Doepp certain herd of range cattle. 7 June 1922.
40. The Mogollon Mines
August 2, 922
Mr. D.E. Bearup
Mogollon, NM
Dear Sir:
On the night of July 31st a cow was reported as having been seen on Silver Creek, inside the fence. our watchman spent until dark in trying to locate the cow, but did not succeed. The animal was found lying on left side with head down the creek yesterday, about 100 yards below the Maud S., and was dead at the time found. As you were in Mogollon yesterday, you doubtless saw the animal also. Brand "AZ" on right hip, ear marks__. The cow was undoubtedly cyanided, and we would like to arrange settlement with you at once, if a fair price can be agreed upon.
The cow was inspected yesterday by Mr. William Baugh and W.C. Huntington, and was reported as dry and about 7 years old.
Yours very truly,
S.J. Kidder
41. Contract for land September 4, 1922. Salvador G. Archuleta of Catron County sold to Ira Sweazea of Catron County 160 acres for $400.
41. Bill of Sale. Frank W. Buster of Reserve sold for $1 "and other valuable consideration" to O.L. Pierce, agent, his equity in a Nash one ton truck, which is mortgaged to Automobile Mortgage Co. of El Paso for $700. September 16, 1922.
41. Bill of Sale. J.R. Gaunt of Reserve sold to O.L. Pierce, agent of Reserve party, for $1 "and other valuable consideration" one Dodge Touring Car, painted red, September 16, 1922.
42. Bill of Sale. W.A. Trotter of Mogollon sold for $1 "and other valuable consideration" to Myrl J. Creel of Mogollon an undivided half interest in all cattle bearing certain brand. March 27, 1922.
43. Bill of Sale. Albert Thompson sold to E.H. Payne and Norman Groves for $2,100 land - Harris Miller Pasture, with tools, improvements, and 5 head horses. November 9, 1922.
44. Sheep Contract October 18, 1922 Between Bond-Connell Sheep & Wool Company of Albuquerque and James L. Hubbell of Albuquerque. 8018 breeding Rambouillet ewes: 1073 1-year-olds, 1468 2-year-olds, 2549 3-year-olds, 1171 4-year-olds, 1171 5-year-olds, and 586 6-year-olds. Hubbell leases the herd for 5 years, to harvest wool, payment to be made in form of lambs - 80,180 lbs. live weight per year.
45. Bill of Sale. M.H. Benson sold to F.M. Inman 34 cows, 4 yearling heifers, and 23 1922 calves November 23, 1922.
46. Bill of Sale. J.E. Rehein of Reserve sold to Reserve State Bank of Reserve for $400 one Zenith moving picture machine and all improvements and paraphernalia belonging to the Reserve Picture Theater. November 28, 1922.
46. Bill of Sale. Mrs. L.E. Howard of Mogollon for one promissory note for $900, sold to M.E. Coates and Edna Coates, his wife, of Catron County, Lot 23 in Mogollon. November 16, 1922.
47. Contract. October 4, 1922. Between Audon Gonzalez of Salt Lake, New Mexico, for $1 "and other valuable consideration" and Frank A. Hubbell Co. Gonzalez allows Hubbell to water its livestock at the lake now known as Chical Lake on the Gonzalez Homestead for 10 years. Hubbell agrees to furnish Gonzalez with 46 spools of wire of 80 rods each. Wire shall be used for the purpose of fencing within enclosure the lake. "Only livestock belonging to both parties shall be permitted to water at this lake as otherwise it will be of no material benefit to [Hubbell] if other stock is permitted to water. [Gonzalez] agrees to make the fence in the following way: The posts shall not be more than one rod apart and shall be buried 2 feet in the ground and shall be 5 feet above the ground. It shall consist of 4 barbed wires, the bottom wire to be 2 feet above the ground and each of the other 3 wires one foot apart."
48. Bill of Sale September 9, 1922 between J.M. Raynolds, trustee of County of Bernalillo, and Wm. R. Morley, Catron County. On April 24, 1922 J.D. Fraser as trustee in bankruptcy of Juan A. Garcia Jr. conveyed to Morley certain property. Heretofore at public auction in a certain suit Juan Garcia was Plaintiff; Juan A. Garcia Jr & Eva May Garcia were Defendants, and E.O. Mayo sold to Morley as trustee certain sheep. Raynolds now conveys to Morley to satisfy about $76,000 debts to five banks: 4735 head sheep, including 175 bucks
36 stock horses
1 team work horses
1 team mules
150 head burros
2 steers
1 truck
1 Hudson Touring Car
1 Ford Roadster
1 Harley Davidson Motorcycle Tow Wagon
51. Bill of Sale. April 18, 1922. Sarah M. Kitt of Catron County sold to Louis Jones of Silver City, Grant County for $1 "and other valuable consideration" the Glenwood Cash Store, including:
11 head work stock horses
2 head horses
1 gray horse
15 chickens
2 wagons with harness
equipment on Ernest Kitt Ranch
52. Bill of Sale. November 1, 1922. John D. Fraser, executor of Estate of Patrick McKeefry, deceased of Magdalena, sold to Susan McKeffry of Alma, for $1500 the following:
3 wagons $150
1 buggy $125
2 sets harness $60
2 saddles $80
1 riding plow $40
1 mowing machine $25
1 disk, $35
1 corn planter $25
12 saddle horses $600
12 stock horses $240
4 mules $120
52. Oil & Gas Lease. October 12, 1922
55. Bill of Sale. F.B. Hunter of Mogollon for $300 sold to L.H> Hunter of Mogollon a 7-room house situate in Mogollon on rented ground plus household goods, to wit, cook stove, heater, phonograph, 4 bedsteads, chest of carpenter tools, chest of machinist tools.
57. Bill of Sale. J.R. Gaunt of Reserve sold to Mrs. Frank W. Buster of Reserve one Ford Roadster.
62. Power of Attorney. Susan Margaret McGrath of Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand, as one of the heirs at law of Patrick McKeefry, deceased, appointed James G. Fitch of Socorro County her attorney. 63. Certificate in Lieu of Lost or Destroyed Discharge Certificate. Porfirio Giron, a Private of Co. C, 31st Reg of Inf. of U.S. Army. Enlisted 11 May 1918 to serve "for period of emergency," discharged October 23, 1919, excellent character. Given at the War Department in Washington D.C. May 21, 1920.