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Alma Cemetery

(Photo courtesy Janice Hoy)
As there is no post office in Alma at the present time, using the Glenwood post office as the primary point of reference, go north on US180 for 4 miles, at which point the road crosses Mineral Creek over a concrete bridge. Shortly after crossing the bridge, go on a dirt road that turns off towards the east; travel for 1/2 mile to where another dirt road turns off to the north (left), crosses a cattle-guard, and curves around and up a small hill. This road goes for 1/2 mile to the gate of the cemetery, which is located on the flat top of the hill, overlooking the town of Alma.
Specific Location:   SE  1/4 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 3   Township 11S Range 20W   NMPM